{MCFE}{643 Spencer St}{West Melbourne}{3003}{Vic}{Australia}{(130) 036-8883}
643 Spencer St, 3003 West Melbourne, Vic
Phone: (130) 036-8883

Student Handbook | MCFE


    About MCFE

    Melbourne College of Further Education (MCFE) is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with the

    registration number 21340, providing Vocational Education and Training (VET).
    What sets us apart from other colleges is that we get to know every student; you will be more than

    just a number to us, you will be part of our family. You have more one-on-one attention and support

    and, as we have smaller classes than a large college, it’s easier for us to help you find work.

    We believe in real skills for real jobs and we take the extra time to customise our course

    materials and create new and innovative ways of delivering course content. MCFE has several

    industry partners and we have a dedicated team to build our employer networks for placements and

    employment opportunities for our students.

    We will notify learners when any change occurs that may affect the services we are providing them. This includes:

    • a change in ownership of the RTO and /or

    • any changes to, or new third-party arrangements for the delivery of services to those learners.


    The information contained in this Handbook includes important details about how our RTO works, what

    you can expect from us and your rights and obligations as a student. Please read this handbook

    carefully and ask questions about anything you do not understand.

    If you require further information on any of our policies and procedures, please contact the office

    and we will happily provide that information to you.

    This book is designed for Domestic Students;

    International Students should refer to the International Handbook for specific

    information concerning their training.

    We hope you choose to study with us and join our family.


    MCFE Contact Details

    Address Unit 39, 617-643 Spencer Street, West Melbourne, Victoria, 3003

    Email Address [email protected]

    Phone Number 1300 368 883

    Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)

    Phone Number 1300 701 801


    Fair Work (for payrates & work conditions)


    Lifeline Australia (Crisis Support & Mental Health)

    Phone Number 13 11 14

    Public Transport Victoria (PTV)


    Student Housing

    Melbourne Events and Activities



    Online Learning Management System (LMS) used by MCFE students

    PTVJourney Planner

    ForestStay Focused on Work

    ZomatoFood and Drink Rating

    Tram TrackerLive Updates and Tram Times

    TodaitStudy planner


    TED TalksInspirational and motivational talks

    QuizletRevision, flash cards and tests

    Sleep CycleAnalyses your sleep and wakes you during your lightest sleep phase

    AtmosphereStudy music

    MemriseMemory game to help learn new things everyday

    EgendaAssignment planner

    CuriosityDaily dose of news that will keep your brain sharp

    MonefyMoney tracker

    Vaccination Policy for staff and students

    Staff and students should meet the current industry and Victorian government vaccination requirements. If you are undertaking placement this may include vaccinations relevant to the industry you are undertaking placement in and the specific workplace policy. 

    Application Process

    1.  DOWNLOAD the course brochure, the statement of fees and do some research on the course you are interested in studying.
    2.  INVITATION You will receive an invitation from MCFE or one of our approved brokers asking you to attend the next information session for your course. Alternatively, you can chat to us about our courses at any time by filling out the “tell me more” panel on our website, visiting our Head Office or calling 1300 368 883.
    3. INFORMATION SESSION Attend the information session, where all course details are advised, and ask any necessary questions you may have to the MCFE staff member. If you decide the course is for you, you will be given a Pre-Training Review (PTR) to ensure you meet the literacy and numeracy and other standards required. If both you and the trainer agree the course is appropriate, you’ll continue with enrolment online. Read this Student Handbook to ensure you understand attendance requirements and other policies and procedures prior to confirming your enrolment.
    4. START STUDYING Once you attend an enrolment session and enrol, we place you in the next starting class based on your needs, location and course.

    Pre-Training Review and Enrolment


    MCFE conducts a detailed Pre-Training Review of a prospective student’s training needs to establish whether the course in question is appropriate for their needs.

    Our review includes:

    • Discussing why you wish to enrol in the qualification

    • Ensuring understanding of training and assessment methods for the qualification you have chosen.

    • Self-assessment of your digital literacy and access to relevant equipment

    • Discussion between you and the trainer to identify any additional support that you may require


    If you want to obtain credit for skills and experiences you already have, you can complete an RPL Application form with a copy of your resume. Fees will apply for this service.


    If you have qualifications from previous studies, please note the details on your Pre-Training review form. You will be required to provide a Statement of Attainment. Once MCFE has verified the documents, a Credit Transfer will be applied. In some situations, we recommend still attending the class as the context could be different, but you will not be required to undertake assessment for any credit transfer units. No fees apply.


    Your LLN levels are assessed during your Pre-Training Review. The LLN assessment is an indicator of how your skills match the levels of the course. The assessment helps us to determine what kind of support you might require to successfully complete the course.

    To successfully complete most training, you will need:

    • Reading competencies sufficient to understand class materials and documentation used typically within industry (such as technical literature, standards documentation, procedure manuals) 

    • Writing skills sufficient to prepare notes and assignments on knowledge gained from lectures, group discussions, industry experience and literature reviews, procedures, journals pro- grams; participate in written assessment exercises

    • Personal organisational skills sufficient to work independently, self-manage learning activities and prepare material for presentation in class and to assessors in accordance with an agreed schedule

    • Communication skills sufficient to engage in group discussion issues in your area of training and to present work in class and to assessors

    • Numeracy skills sufficient to perform basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) using a calculator

    • Digital literacy sufficient to access and browse the internet, log into a website, watch videos, read text online and, where applicable, update, save and submit PDF assessments

    If you do not have some or all these skills, you may be eligible for Foundation Skills training. This will be discussed with you at your Pre-Training Review.


    The enrolment form will collect your personal details, data that is required to be reported to various government departments and outlines the terms and conditions of
    enrolling with MCFE along with:


    The Victorian Student Number (VSN) is a nine-digit student identification number that will be assigned by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development to all students in government and non-government schools, and students up to the age of 25 in Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions.

    Since 2009 in schools and since 2011 for vocational education and training (VET) organisations and Adult Community Education providers, a Victorian Student Number (VSN) has been allocated upon enrolment to each individual student aged up to 24 years. Students should report their VSN on all subsequent enrolments at a Victorian school or training organisation. In particular, all students who are currently enrolled in either a VET provider or a Victorian school (including those already participating in a VET in schools program) should obtain their VSN from their current education or training organisation and report their VSN on this enrolment form. Students who are enrolling for the First time since the VSN was introduced will get a new VSN.

    MCFE ensures that it complies with Victorian Student Number (VSN) reporting requirements and Unique student Identifier (USI) requirements and includes the VSN as specified in the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines.


    A USI is your individual education number for life. It also gives you an online record of your VET training undertaken in Australia. If you’re at university, TAFE or doing other nationally recognised training, you need a USI. Without one, you can’t get Commonwealth financial assistance or your qualification or statement of attainment.

    You can apply for a USI directly or request that MCFE apply for a USI on your behalf.

    If you’re studying nationally recognised training in Australia from 1 January 2015, you will be required to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). Your USI links to an online account that contains all your training records and results (transcript) that you have completed from 1 January 2015 onwards. When applying for a job or enrolling in further study, you will often need to provide your training records and results (transcript). One of the main benefits of the USI is the ability to provide students with easy access to their training records and results (transcript) throughout their life. You can access your USI account online from your computer, tablet or smart phone anytime.

    MCFE will ask you for your USI (if you have one) at enrolment. We will help you to locate your USI if you can’t recall it or we can apply for your USI on your behalf, if you grant us permission on your enrolment form.  When MCFE applies for a USI on your behalf it will have access to previous study records unless you deny this access, via the online portal.

    Your USI will not be disclosed to anyone/company except as allowed by the Privacy Act 988. Refer to for more information on your USI.

    Melbourne College of Further Education is a trading name of iAscend Polytechnic Pty Ltd. When we verify or create your USI, you will receive an email to notify you that iAscend Polytechnic Pty Ltd has verified or created your USI.

    We can be prevented from issuing you with a nationally recognised VET qualification or statement of attainment when you complete your course if you do not have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). If you have not yet obtained a USI you can apply for it directly at If you would like us to apply for a USI on your behalf you must authorise us to do so and declare that you have read the privacy information at  The link to the PDF is on our website. Refer to for more information on your USI.

    USI student declaration (agreed to at enrolment)

    • I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal information pursuant to the information detailed at the USI website.

    • I understand when MCFE applies for a USI on your behalf, it will have access to previous study records, unless you deny this access, via the online portal. If you have an existing USI that we are unable to access via our internal system; by signing this form you give MCFE permission to enter your details into the USI register and have them re-send your USI to you


    You may be eligible for a government subsidised place. This is called the Skills First Program, there may be other initiatives available at the time of enrolment also. If you are eligible, the government will contribute to the cost of your training. To check your individual eligibility, or if you want further course information, view our fees and funding page, or call or email the office. There are limitations to using the Skills First Funding; you need to make sure you are enrolling in the right course, as it may affect your access to future government funding. Please refer to our website for more information on which courses have access to funding and associated fees.

    You can check your eligibility and funding conditions online at Victorian Skills gateway. We will not confirm your enrolment and access your Skills First Funding until you have attended two sessions within your course. If you choose to withdraw during the cooling off period, please notify us immediately at reception or by emailing [email protected],  as once your funding has been accessed, it cannot be reversed.
    MCFE is required to collect the highest Australian qualification you have obtained as well as any other courses commenced or due to commence; this is to establish your suitability for the course and your eligibility for potential funding. If you provide incorrect information or omit information about current, past or future courses, and this results in your ineligibility for funding, then MCFE has the right to change your fee structure to the appropriate tuition fee as listed on our website.

    Enrolment Declaration

    On completing your enrolment you will be provided with the following enrolment declaration.

    I declare that all the information that I have provided on this form is complete, correct and completed independently.

    I acknowledge that I have received, read and understood the detailed information provided by MCFE during the enrolment session, as well as outlined in this student handbook and course brochure, including but not limited to:

    • Application Pre-training review and enrolment process; including USI information

    • Fees and charges/statement of fees; including refunds, concession, eligibility for Skills First Funding, and how this can affect future enrolments in funded courses

    • Privacy statements

    • Student support

    • Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer options

    • Online service standards

    • Assessment methods and instructions

    • Job and employment

    • Code of conduct

      Complaints and appeals

    • Completions & certificates

    • Deferrals and withdrawals

    • Third parties that may be relevant to my enrolment

    • Course brochure/website information; including duration, learning & assessment strategies, entry requirements

    If accessing Skills First Funding, I understand that:

    • accessing Skills First Funding may impact my ability to access future funding under the Skills First Program

    • using a funded place may affect my future eligibility for further government subsidised training under the Skills First Program

    • I can commence in a maximum of two government funded courses at any one time

    • I can commence up to two government subsidised courses in one year

    If accessing JobTrainer, I understand that:

    • In my lifetime I can only commence one full qualification and one skill set under JobTrainer

    Online Service Standards

    MCFE offers a range of courses that can be delivered party or wholly online. We are committed to providing a quality learning experience for students studying online and these online service standards explain our commitment to students in key areas. 
    Learning materials and assessments are mainly conducted via Canvas our Learning Management System.  

     Most courses hold face-to-face theory classes, during lock downs we may schedule Zoom theory classes. Some others courses may have partial online zoom delivery of theory sessions imbedded into their delivery schedule.     

    Student Support

    MCFE will provide the following support for students studying any part of their course online:
    Consult a Trainer and Assessor during class time.

    • Contact our IT staff member for any technical support. Email [email protected]

    • Call Head Office between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) on: 1300 368 883

    • Email [email protected] or leave a voicemail outside of office hours and we will respond within 2 business days

    • Make a booking with a one on one support trainer. Call or email as above to arrange a time.Drop into our head office between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

    • Support (academic or technical) can be provided in a number of ways: over the phone, face-time, zoom, teams, email instructions or face-to-face>

    • We will endeavor to handle any support issues within the same business day. However, we will ensure respond within 2 business days

    Entry Requirements & Induction

    MCFE conducts a detailed Pre-Training Review of a prospective student’s training needs to establish whether the course in question is appropriate for their needs.
    Our review includes:

    • Self -assessment of your digital literacy
    • Assessment of your Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) strengths and
    • areas where we may provide you with additional support
    • Discussion between you and the trainer to identify any additional support that may you may require

    MCFE uses Canvas, a Learning Management System (LMS), for the online components of some of our units. We also use Cengage Brain for self-paced learning for our Community Service qualifications.

    Depending on the course and course delivery you select, some or all of your classes may be delivered via Zoom. Zoom is a popular video communication service, appropriate for delivering a presentation and facilitating discussion.

    You can join Zoom classes using a phone or a computer, either through a browser or an app.

    In order to use Canvas, Zoom or Cengage, you’ll require:

    • A device (laptop/desktop/tablet) with access to the internet (broadband cable/ ADSL or NBN)

    • A web browser, preferably Chrome or Firefox.

    You will also be required to use the internet to browse and conduct research and access recommended web pages that form part of your self-paced learning.

    Students are to complete this study at home in their own time however they can access free WIFI and laptops upon request at our Head Office. Students can bring their own devices if they wish.

    Learning Materials

    Our online training is delivered in a variety of ways ensuring we cover all different learning styles. They include:

    • Graphics and animations

    • Videos

    • Audio>

    • Guided Content

    Downloadable PDF learner guides

    Supported help sessions if s student requires further training and understanding of a topic

    The online elements of the course are also available in paper form if requested

    Our students are given a link to an online Student Resources page at enrolment. This includes the Resource Guide, a document containing all content taught throughout the course. The student can request a paper copy of this.
    The online elements of the course are also available in paper form.

    Canvas has documented its commitment to the Web Content Accessibility
    Guidelines 2.0 here:

    Cengage Brain has documented its commitment to Web Content Accessibility
    Guidelines 2.0 here:

    Zoom has documented its commitments to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
    2.1 AA here:
    Student Engagement
    MCFE offers an engaging online learning experience. Students can collaborate with peers through online discussion forums.
    Feedback for the online component of the course is provided via email in response to assessment submission. Feedback can also be delivered to the student cohort via the Canvas discussion forum.

    Students are shown how to use Zoom and Canvas to increase engagement with peers and trainers. During Zoom classes we encourage cameras on and the use of the “hand” function and messages to ask questions. In Canvas we encourage the use of the internal canvas email system.

    We monitor and act on activity and non-participation in many ways:

    Last student activity within Canvas

    • Total student activity

    • within Canvas

    Details of student contact with trainer

    • Task reports of submitted assessments and class attendance within Vettrak our student management system

    Students that have non-activity greater than 30 days will be identified and addressed via our internal processes for “evidence of participation”

    Mode and Method of Assessment

    Forms of assessment may include:

    • Written (includes short answer, multiple choice and case studies)

    Practical simulation/demonstration (recorded and uploaded or completed in our classroom)

    • Third party reports to supplement other evidence 
    • Oral questioning

    All MCFE trainers are required to complete an induction for any online elements of the course. All our trainers undertake professional development in online delivery by attending webinars through our subscription to ITECA PD library.

    Trainers delivering/assessing online qualifications/units of competency are required to complete an induction (passport to canvas and the SIU induction via canvas). In addition, they receive one-on-one training with their training manager prior to starting with us. Our trainers will all have experience with canvas troubleshooting and tip and tricks. These trainers and assessors will undertake further professional development in online delivery as required.   

    If you trainer cannot provide you with the support you need please refer to section one on support and contact/email head office. 

    Student Support

    Contact MCFE Student Support on:

    Student Support can help provide advice or direction to other services, such as:

    • Student learning assistance

    • Welfare services

    • Accommodation services

    • Financial support services

    • Health and disability services

    • IT support

    • English language support (relative to the course)

    • Facilities and resource

    • Career Support & Job Application


    Trainers are available for questions and additional help offered at the end of class. Any queries sent to trainers by students via email will be answered as soon as possible. Assessments submitted will be marked by the trainer according to the marking guidelines. Your trainer will provide feedback on your assessments at your next session or, if face to face classes have finished, via phone call or email.

    One on One Student Support Bookings

    One on one sessions are available for students who need additional help working through any learning material or assessments after First attending the class. Students that require extra assistance can also book into one on one sessions or complete the unit in the classroom. MCFE can offer support to students who need additional language, literacy or numeracy support. These services can vary depending on individual student requirements.

    Administration Team

    The administration team located at our Head Office are available from Monday – Friday 9am – 4pm (public holidays excluded) for any queries the student may have in relation to their class or course. The team are always willing to assist as much as we can.

    We also recommend the “Helping Out Booklet”, a guide to finding support services and agencies in Melbourne. You can access the booklet here


    MCFE is committed to the principles of equity and equal opportunity aimed at providing a safe, harmonious workplace and learning environment, free from harassment and discrimination. Students have equitable access to all programs irrespective of their gender, culture, linguistic background, race, location, socio-economic background or disability. Admission procedures will therefore be free of discrimination, and if an individual does not meet entry requirements, all attempts will be made to assist them to identify alternative options for them. MCFE staff have been instructed in their responsibilities regarding Access and Equity principles.

    MCFE is committed to assisting those with special needs. This may include persons with disabilities, mature age adults, long-term unemployed adults, adults with low self-esteem / confidence, adults requiring literacy/numeracy assistance and single parents.

    Please feel free to raise with MCFE staff any issues around equity and special needs that might affect you.


    The Disability Discrimination Act uses the principle of reasonable adjustment, sometimes called reasonable accommodation, to ensure equity of treatment for people with disabilities. This means that, wherever possible, ‘reasonable’ adjustments must be made to meet the individual needs of any student with a disability.

    Among the things we can do to assist with any requirements you might have are:

    • Make training and assessment materials and methods more accessible

    • present information through a range of methods

    • adapt the physical environment and equipment

    If you require more details about reasonable adjustment, please contact Student Support.


    MCFE may take photos or videos of you in class. These photos might be used in advertising material on our website and other social media. Where required, photo consent forms will be used. Please let your trainer know if you do not wish to participate in any photographs.


    MCFE will contact you regularly throughout your course; with assessment feedback, news and course information. Please ensure that MCFE always has current contact information for you. This must include your current postal address, phone number and email address at a minimum.

    You’ll be in contact with both your trainer and the MCFE staff. Ensure you always respond to SMS and email contact asking about your progress. This helps us provide you with the best experience.

    After enrolment we’ll provide you with login details to the VETtrak Student Portal, where you can view key course information and messages from your trainer.



    Training & Attendance

    Our Trainers & Assessors

    All trainers and assessors working hold or are working towards a formal qualification in Training and Assessment which is in line with the current Standards for RTOs. Each trainer is required to complete regular professional development.

    Location & delivery of classes

    We have a variety of different training locations and delivery methods depending on the course you are enrolling in. These include:

    1. Classroom: face-to-face classes in a physical location. We have several locations around Melbourne.
    2. Blended: Live trainer led theory classes on Zoom or Teams + in person practical skills classes at a physical location.
    3. Virtual: Live trainer led classes led theory classes on Zoom or Teams
    4. Online/Self-paced: Course learning and assessment is completed in your own time on canvas our LMS.


    Note: Some delivery models will also include practical placement and workplace visits. These must be completed in person and are not assessed online. All courses will include self-paced learning.


    Digital platforms

    VETtrak Student portal

    VETtrak is our student management system (SMS). On enrolment, you are provided with a unique login into the student portal. This system is where we collect all your assessment marks (tasks), attendance, and other personal information. You can view your progress via the portal at any time. It will show what assessments “tasks” have been submitted, class attendance, training plan/schedule and invoices, plus much more.


    Zoom or Teams 

    Depending on the course and course delivery you select, some or all your classes may be delivered via Zoom or Teams. These will be live interactive sessions with your trainer. They cover the same content as the classroom except they are delivered online.


    You should treat this class like you would a face-to-face classroom. You must be able to provide your full attention and keep your camera on. You should not be caring for a child or another person whilst in class.


    Canvas is a learning management system (LMS), where you access your learning materials for your course, as well as our digital assessments, for those completing them digitally.


    Assessments on Canvas

    All courses have digital assessments on canvas. Only a few select courses will have paper assessments available.

    Each course in Canvas is an assessment and is represented as a task in VETtrak. These tasks are only shown as completed when every activity in that Canvas course has been marked as satisfactory. Canvas assessments must be completed on a computer, as the phone application does not work effectively.



    You need to attend the majority of sessions. All practical classes, where observations are completed, MUST be attended. If you miss a practical class, you must book a catch-up class via the form on the student portal page of our website.

    If you miss a single theory class, it is your responsibility to arrange a catch-up class or catch-up on the theory missed. Your trainer will not undertake one-one one catch-ups. Book via the form on the student portal page of our website.

    If you miss 3 or more classes in a group/row, you may be required to join a new class, if one is available and suitable, as catching up on course work will be difficult. We will be unable to complete observations of practical skills if you have not yet learned the material.  You may need to defer until a suitable course option is available. Course swaps could be different days, time or locations, we cannot guarantee the same day, time or location will be available.

    If you are disruptive, arrive late, leave early or miss too many classes this could result in official warning letters, deferral or cancellation of your studies. Late arrivals or early exits in online classes may be marked as absent at the discretion of your trainer or the MCFE admin team if they do not believe it appropriate to mark you attended.


    Evidence of Participation
    We require all students to display consistent engagement and progression with the course to remain enrolled. We require monthly evidence of participation to keep your enrolment active.

    Evidence of participation includes but is not limited to; attending classes, submitting full assessments (not an individual quiz) and undertaking practical placement.

    For students who do not demonstrate satisfactory evidence of participation, we will flag as at risk. Students will be contacted via email and provided a warning and options to help get back on track. For students who continually demonstrate no participation or engagement or contact with us, we will follow our procedures for course withdrawal.


    Assessment & Reassessment

    Types of Assessments

    Theory assessment could consist of the following types of assessments, but they are not limited to:

    1. Multiple choice
    2. True and false
    3. Matching
    4. Short answer
    5. Long answer
    6. Projects
    7. Case studies

    Most theory questions will be completed after the session; they are to be completed individually. They will cover the underpinning knowledge for this unit(s). Every question must be answered correctly and in its entirety. Ensure you read the question carefully as some questions will require a detailed response and may have more than one aspect to address in the answer. Some questions and/or case studies may be discussed and conducted during class. You may refer to the learning materials provided to complete these questions. Do not copy and paste answers from the learning materials; if the question asks you to interpret the information, use your own words to describe and answer the question.

    Theory assessments could be digital or paper depending on the selection you made/available.

    If submitting paper assessments, ensure you:

    • Use blue or black pen only
    • Keep a copy of every assessment
    • Submit to your trainer in class or bring to head office, if classes are completed (we will distribute to your trainer)


    Practical assessments could consist of:

    • Practical simulations, demonstrations and role plays
    • Oral questioning
    • Workplace visits, observations and projects

    These will be completed during the training session and/or whilst the assessor is completing a site visit to observe your work performance. Several demonstrations will be required for competency (these will be documented in the specific assessment instructions).

    A practical assessment might involve part written, part practical and part oral questioning. This type of assessment will cover the key skills required in the unit of competency. Your assessor will use a marking guide to assess your performance.

    Reasonable Adjustment 
    We can vary the methods of assessment to suit your individual needs if required and if appropriate for the unit of competency. Discuss these with your assessor.

    Learning Content

    We present our course material in various ways to cover different learning styles:

    • Interactive role plays
    • Class discussions
    • PowerPoint presentations
    • Videos
    • Guided content on canvas
    • Online learning

    Student Support

    All our students will be supported in class by their trainer and via email communications between class. Where students require additional support outside what is reasonable to provide in a full class setting or between classes, students have the following options:

    1. Attend a scheduled catch-up class – if available
    2. Book a catch-up class with another class
    3. Scheduled Support Sessions (if trainer is available) – these are charged, view the statement of fees
    4. Referral to other organisations for extra support or courses
    5. If these options are not suitable, please email [email protected]

    Marking Your Assessments & Grades


    For each unit of competency, you will be marked competent (C) or not yet competent (NYC). Competency means you need to demonstrate the skills, knowledge, and ability to consistently perform tasks and duties to the industry standard. Every question within every assessment must be answered correctly to be competent.

    Each unit of competency may have several different forms of assessment, such as theory, practical and workplace. You must satisfactorily pass each of these to be deemed competent for the unit. If you do not pass the assessment task or quizzes within the task you will be graded Not Yet satisfactory (NYS). If you are deemed NYS, you will follow the reassessment processes listed further below.  VETtrak will show which assessments/tasks are linked to which units.

    When are assessments marked?

    The trainer has 10 business days to mark and submit each completed assessment (not just a quiz) to head office. Digital assessment are concluded in canvas (they will disappear from your dashboard when market satisfactory).

    Assessment grades could take 5-10 days to appear in your VETTrak student portal task report after the trainer has submitted the assessment to head office.

    Cheating & Plagiarism 

    Ensure the work you complete is your own. If the question asks you to answer in your own words, you must do so. Answers must be submitted in your own words unless a question requests otherwise. If you do not it will be considered plagiarism or cheating, and you will need to undergo reassessment as per the cheating and plagiarism reassessment policy below.

    The following are considered plagiarism or cheating:

    • Copying answers from another person
    • Another person completing your answers for you
    • Using translation devices, including speech to text translation, to unfairly enhance your submissions
    • Copying information from another source without interpreting the information and putting it in your own words
    • Using AI software to write your answers without putting in your own words

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

    Generative AI should not be used to complete your assessments. Copying generated answers is considered cheating and plagiarism and your work will be graded Not Yet Satisfactory. This will require you to undergo the reassessment process for cheating and plagiarism as explained below

    Reassessment process

    VET courses are about developing your skills and knowledge, you need to obtain a satisfactory grade for each form of assessment, but we understand this can take time and you may not get everything 100% correct the First time. Reassessment is when you have more than one attempt to get the answer correct. There are limits to the numbers of attempts you can try and fees may apply.

    Reassessment – Stage 1  (No extra cost) 

    Theory assessments: Your trainer will give you 5 attempts per canvas quiz to get the answer correct and 3 attempts for paper assessments. These attempts will not be allowed for cheating or plagiarism attempts. If you require reassessment for more than 50% of questions in a single theory assessment, we will flag that you may be at risk and will move you to the Stage 2 reassessment process.  Canvas allows an extra 2 attempts due to the auto-remarking process.

    Practical Assessment:  If you require reassessment in a practical skills class, you can attend a 2nd session with another class if available.  Book a catch-up class via the form on the student portal page of our website.

    Workplace visits: If you require an additional workplace visit to demonstrate competency, these will be charged at Stage 2 Reassessment Fees.


    Reassessment – Stage 2 (Fees will apply) 

    If you are unable to obtain a satisfactory grade after stage 1 reassessment, you will need to undergo further training and reassessment in a different setting. The type of training and reassessment will depend on the type of assessment you have undertaken and your individual circumstances.  Your assessor and/or the training manager will ascertain which stage 2 method(s) of reassessment you require, these can include the following:

    1. Scheduled Support Session (SSS) theory only, charged at $100 per 1 hour session
    2. Catch-up classes with another class (fees may be waived depending on your individual situation)
    3. Practical skills reassessment $300
    4. Practical placement visits $300

    How to arrange Stage 2 reassessment:

    1. Booked via the reassessment stage 2 form on the student portal page of our website.
    2. All reassessments will be undertaken at head office, unless approved by the training manager ahead of time.
    3. Payment is to be made prior to undertaking the reassessment session.


    If you do not agree with MCFE’s assessment results or our reassessment process, you can make a complaint via the complaints and appeals process. This is discussed in further detail within this handbook.


    Academic Misconduct

    MCFE believes in the integrity of the qualifications and courses we offer. We will not tolerate cheating or plagiarism within our assessments. Cheating and plagiarism is considered academic misconduct. Your work must be authentic.  We follow a warning system, consisting of 2 warnings on the third instance where plagiarism is detected you will be withdrawn.

    1st Warning You will be given a warning (emailed to you), and a note will be flagged on your student record that you, your trainer and the office will view. Your questions will be marked Not Yet Satisfactory, and you will be given a chance to resubmit your answer, and other questions that may have been considered plagiarism and cheating on or before this date. An informal oral assessment may be applicable at this stage, at no charge. Alternatively, a paper assessment may need to be completed.

    2nd Warning If, after receiving your First warning, we detect a second instance of cheating or plagiarism, you will be given a final warning. This will be emailed to you and again, flagged on your student record. You will be given another chance to resubmit the assessment and will be charged a $100 fee.

    Payment must be made before we allow the reassessment. Reassessment will include resubmitting the entire theory assessment where plagiarism/cheating was detected – this may be a paper assessment.

    You will undertake a reassessment meeting at head office after your submission, where a head office trainer and assessor will undertake oral questioning to determine your competency.

    3rd Instance Withdrawal  If, after receiving your second warning, we detect a third instance of cheating or plagiarism, you will be withdrawn from your course or qualification and no refunds will apply.

    If you do not agree with MCFE’s assessment results or our reassessment process, you can make a complaint via the complaints and appeals process. This is discussed in further detail within this handbook.

    Practical Placements

    Several courses will require you to complete practical placement hours in a real workplace to gain competency. You will be practicing the skills you have learned in theory in a workplace. There are a specific number of hours required depending on your course and these will be documented in the course brochure and your Practical Placement Logbook.

    We’ll provide you with an MCFE branded T-shirt and name badge for use at your placement.
    During the placement, you will be expected to behave like a new employee, following the rules of the workplace and the directions of the workplace supervisor and other employees. You will need to comply with all safety and OH&S policies and procedures, as well as other protocols that are practiced by the host employer.

    • Both you and a workplace representative sign an RTO & Employer Agreement

    • You will complete an induction with the workplace

    Your workplace will assign a workplace supervisor that we will liaise with to monitor your progress. Your placement location MUST be approved by MCFE head office prior to commencing placement hours. You must provide your workplace agreement to MCFE to verify details and confirm that it is a suitable workplace for placement. A workplace supervisor will need to sign off on your shifts completed. An MCFE assessor will visit you in the workplace and assess your skills periodically.
    Assessment is an important part of your practical placement. During your placement your trainer will conduct workplace visits. Assessment of the skills you have learned in the workplace counts toward your results. For some courses, you may be required to maintain a Practical Placement Logbook. Your trainer will discuss this with you. Your trainer will also give you information on the way your assessments will be conducted and recorded.
    Attending your Placement

    • Be willing to learn

    • Listen to instructions and complete the tasks assigned

    • Ask questions

    • Be polite, courteous and well-mannered with all staff members

    • Dress appropriately

    • Follow all workplace policies and procedures.



    • Wearing protective clothing

    • Working in a safe manner

    • Reporting any hazards or unsafe practices that you observe

    • Reporting any accidents to your workplace supervisor & practical trainer immediately.



    • Start your placement on time and stay for required shift duration

    • Take only the allocated time for lunch and tea breaks

    • Contact your workplace supervisor and your trainer immediately if you are unable to attend your placement.

    Problems with your placement should be resolved as early as possible. Your trainer and employer have agreed dispute resolution procedures. Do not hesitate to contact your trainer if you experience any difficulties or problems while on your practical placement.

    Download the Department of Education Practical Placement guide 
    In the event of an injury, the student will not be entitled to insurance cover, if the signed Practical Placement Agreement is not in place.

    If the Student is injured while undertaking work placement and wish to make a claim the following process applies:

    • Complete and sign a Worker’s Injury Claim form

      • Advise MCFE to complete and sign the Employer section of the Worker’s Injury Claim form and an Employer Injury Claim Report

    MCFE will then forward the original copy of claim forms, any certificates of capacity, completed incident form, medical accounts and a certified copy of the workplace agreement and accounts and a certified copy of the work placement agreement to the insurance company applicable to Victorian students.

    MCFE will retain copies of both forms and copies of any Certificates of Capacity and medical accounts. If a Student has a medical condition that will impact upon the placement requirement of the qualification, a medical clearance certificate from a medical practitioner will be required.

    If a student is undertaking placement at their place of employment and the injury occurs during a paid shift, the student is not eligible for insurances held by the Department of Education and Training and would need to follow their employer’s policy.


    Australian Apprenticeships covers all apprenticeships and traineeships. They combine time at work with training and can be full-time, part-time or school-based.

    As an employer you may be eligible to receive both federal and state based government training incentives for the up skilling of your staff in their area of expertise under a national recognised AQF (Australian Quality Framework) approved Certificate III to an Advanced Diploma. Employers and the training organization should check each course to see if it is suitable for a traineeship or apprenticeship as some courses are not.

    An employee participates in structured training as a part of their employment. The Employer can be given incentives by the Federal Government to help cover the costs of training for their employees.

    The employer can only get funding for eligible employees, eligibility can differ between courses and industries, and you should check eligibility for employer funding with the Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN).

    AASN’s are contracted by the Commonwealth Government to administer the Australian Apprenticeships program and:

    • Provide information and advice to employers and other interested parties regarding qualifications, delivery of training and funding available under the AA program.
    • Link Employers with appropriate Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) for training delivery.
    • Register the National Training Contract with State Training Services
    • Pay Commonwealth Government Incentives to employers and apprentices
    • MCFE often use Sarina Russo Job Access (AASN), click this link for their detailed “Employer Kit”

    The Registered Training Organisation (RTO) ‘MCFE’ in this instance can also receive funding from the Victorian Government to cover the additional costs of the training.

    Generally, employees need to be a new employee, enrolling in a course that is higher than the current level they successfully hold, be Australian or have permanent residency. Your employer’s AASN provider will assess your eligibility to undertake a traineeship. Additional requirements will apply when assessing eligibility for Victorian Skill First Funding.Additional requirements will apply for eligibility for the Victorian Funding.

    The objective of traineeships is to contribute to the development of a highly skilled and relevant Australian workforce that supports economic sustainability and competitiveness.
    Employment conditions
    The conditions of employment for Australian Apprentices and Trainees are the same as for other employees working in similar occupations. This includes hours of work, overtime, holidays, personal leave, superannuation and other penalty provisions. Additional working conditions for Australian Apprentices require you to ensure they have:

    • Every opportunity to learn the skills and acquire the knowledge of their trade or traineeship
    • Access to structured on and/or off-the-job training
    • Paid time off work to attend training when necessary
    • A safe working environment.

    Types of training & assessment:
    Off-the-job structured training refers to training that is conducted by the RTOs training staff at the RTOs training facility, often referred to as trade school, block release or on-campus training.

    Workplace Based Structured Training: refers to training that is conducted by the RTOs training staff at the Trainees workplace. The apprentice/trainee must be withdrawn from regular work duties in order to participate in training.

    Prior to sign-up
    Prior to commencing sign-up and starting the employer should endeavor to complete the eligibility spreadsheet with all employees’ details.

    The employer must also complete a pre-training review with the MCFE representative to guide the design of the training plan and ensure all parties understand their obligations and duties when commencing a traineeship.

    MCFE will conduct a workplace inspection and induction prior to commencing training and sign-off of the training plan.
    Employer Roles and Responsibilities
    Payment of training fees
    Ensure all invoices to MCFE are paid within their required time frame.

    Pay your apprentice/trainee the agreed wage and inform them of the terms of their employment. Provide Superannuation and Work cover insurance.

    If your apprentice/trainee ceases employment, notification needs to be made within 5 days to MCFE and the AASN.
    Employer Incentives
    Employer incentives (to cover your employee’s costs of training) are arranged between the company and the AASN The training organisation does not manage these. Please discuss these payments with the nominated AASN. Generally most payments will not be processed to you for a minimum of 6 months, assuming the employees is still continuing their work and study.

    There are several incentives currently available to eligible employers of Australian Apprentices (Trainees). Each incentive payment has several eligibility criteria that will be assessed by an AASN.

    The standard commonwealth incentive payments may be due for claim, six months from commencement of the training contract and upon successful completion.
    Provision of venue
    If training is conducted in your workplace, ensure your venue meets the criteria for the training program.

    You must be able to provide a space for a training session to be conducted, where possible out of operational hours. The venue must be accessible at the time training is conducted, ensuring a staff member has key access at all times.

    If training sessions are conducted into the evening the venue should be secure. You need to be able to provide sufficient lighting, tables and chairs for staff to use during the training session.

    You should also provide a safe workplace; free from hazards that could cause harm to student, trainers and assessors.
    Resource requirements
    In liaison with the training manager, you are to discuss resources that can be provided by your workplace to improve the quality of the training delivered. You must be able to provide access to power and a suitable training environment free from interruptions if training is conducted in the workplace.
    Workplace supervisor
    You, the employer, are required to appoint a workplace supervisor for the employees whilst in the workplace. The workplace supervisor will be the liaison between MCFE and the students. When required, they will need to forward messages to students and encourage their participation in class and completion of homework tasks.

    The workplace supervisor (which could be the owner/manager or person in a supervisory position of the student) will be required to complete reports for the student’s performance in the workplace. They will also be required to sign off the completion of shifts/tasks in the student’s logbook. The workplace supervisor needs to oversee the student/employee in the workplace, as they will be required to practice the skills required for the course in the workplace.
    Hours of work, student practice and learning
    You must ensure students have sufficient time to practice the skills that they have learned in the workplace.

    Trainees and apprentices should be working a minimum of 13 hours per week (can be averaged if work longer over holidays). They must attend our structured training sessions and complete assessments and research tasks between training sessions. On average they should we withdrawn from routine work activities 3 hours each week for structured training and assessment. Pro-rata for part-time employees.
    General Conditions All parties
    Assessments & Homework
    Students will be required to complete a number of written and practical assessments during paid work time, this forms part of their withdrawal time. We will keep a checklist of assessment submissions and this will be sent to the employer monthly at a minimum.
    Attendance & Structured Training Sessions
    It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure employees/students show up for the training sessions. MCFE will send the employer a monthly email detailing trainee progress against their training plan.

    Block training may. If so, this will be identified in the specific course timetable. Generally, block training will be conducted over several weeks and will focus on compliance and regulatory units and ensuring the students obtain the required knowledge and practice of skills before conducting them in the workplace.

    Extending your course

    An application for an extension to the term of the Training Contract must be made if your employees/students are unable to complete the Structured Training prior to the nominal completion date of the Training Contract. If this student is a trainee, this application should be lodged by yourself, the employer, via the relevant AASN.

    Communication & Progress Portal (VETTRAK)

    MCFE will make monthly contact with the employer and trainee via email/phone/face-to-face to communicate the following:

    1. Trainee attendnace
    2. Progress towards competency and the training plan

    If we can’t make contact with the trainee/employee, if they fail to attend training session, or if they are not progressing satisfactorily we may need withdraw them from the course, suspend and/or cancel their traineeship.

    MCFE will need to notify your AASN Provider and Victorian Registration and Qualification Authority (VRQA) for any situation, including absences, which has the potential to affect the successful completion of the course. Therefore, the employer also needs to notify MCFE and the AASN if they identify a similar situation prior to the RTO.
    Final competency of the employee/students’ performance will be documented by the employer in the logbook, And/or the Training Plan final competency sign-off. This will be signed by all parties and returned to MCFE within 10 working days of assessing the trainees final competency.
    Unemployment of a trainee or reduced hours of work
    If your business is slow, you may need to reduce your Australian Apprentice’s working hours until business picks up again. You may need approval from your State Training Authority before you can reduce your Trainees hours. If you are considering closing or selling your business, the traineeship can be suspended or assigned to the new owner of the business if they agree to continue the training.

    You must advise the AASN and MCFE immediately if any of the above happen.
    Assessor Visits
    MCFE will conduct assessor visits in the workplace, to the following ratios, during these visits the assessor will observe the student’s practical performance of skills, these will be documented in the practical observation section of the relevant assessment. MCFE will, depending of the portion of Training & Assessment in the workplace, conduct a minimum of additional visits:

    1. Conduct 1 visits if 25% or less of nominal hours of the qualification
    2. Conduct 2 visits for 26-50% or less of nominal hours of the qualification
    3. Conduct 3 visits for 51-75% or less of nominal hours of the qualification
    4. Conduct 4 visits for more than 75% or less of nominal hours of the qualification

    Issuing the Qualification
    On successful completion of the qualification, the certificate will be sent.
    Useful links
    Australian Apprenticeships

    Department of Education, Skills and Employment

    Victorian Registration & Qualifications Authority – How to hire an apprentice or trainee

    *Please double check all information relating to Federal government incentives directly with the Australian Apprenticeship Support Network, incentive programs can change from time-to-time and we want to make sure you have up-to-date information.

    Student Code of Conduct

    1. Act in a safe manner and follow instructions provided, report any hazards and/or critical incidents you identify.
    2. Regularly and punctually attend classes in clean, pressed and appropriate clothing and wear appropriate footwear during practical sessions.
    3. Mobile phones are not to be answered or used to SMS during class. If you are waiting on an urgent call, please discuss with trainer before the session starts.
    4. Follow any directions given to you by MCFE staff to ensure a safe and secure educational and working environment.
    5. Keep your workspace in a clean, neat and tidy condition.
    6. You must not cheat (i.e. lie, copy others work, trick or deceive) in submitted work and/or during assessments or examinations or plagiarise another person’s work. “Plagiarise” means to copy texts or take ideas from another person’s work as if they were your own. If you use other people’s work or ideas, you must acknowledge in your work that you have done so. If you are found to be cheating or plagiarising, you will be deemed Not Yet Competent in the unit being assessed. If you are found to be cheating or plagiarizing a second time, your enrolment may be cancelled.
    7. You must not consume alcohol or illicit drugs or be affected by alcohol or illicit drugs when attending MCFE classes. If you are found to be affected by alcohol or illicit drugs when attending classes, you will be asked to leave the session and your enrolment may be cancelled.
    8. You must not steal from any person or from MCFE or cause damage to any MCFE property. If you are found to have breached this rule your enrolment may be cancelled, and you may be reported to the Victoria Police for prosecution.
    9. You must not disrupt the classes or instruction provided by MCFE at any time. It will be at the trainer’s discretion to ask you to leave class and you must comply with any direction given to you.
    10. You must not participate in bullying, intimidating or assaulting any person or use insulting or offensive language or behaviour, racist or sexual abuse or possess or use any weapon while attending MCFE classes or on MCFE property. You will be expected to report, in confidence, any breach of these standards to the CEO or any MCFE staff member you are comfortable with. If you are found to be participating in any of these activities or behaviours your enrolment may be cancelled. If the breach is of a criminal nature you may be reported to the Victoria Police.
    11. You are expected to pay all accounts, fees and fines in full when they are due.
    12. The right to be treated with respect from others, to be treated fairly and without discrimination, regardless of religious, cultural, racial and sexual differences, age, disability or socio-economic status.


    1. The right to be treated with respect from others, to be treated fairly and without discrimination, regardless of religious, cultural, racial and sexual differences, age, disability or socio-economic status.
    2. The right to be free from all forms of intimidation.
    3. The right to work in a safe, clean, orderly and cooperative environment.
    4. The right to have personal property (including computer files and student work) and MCFE property protected from damage or other misuse.
    5. The right to have any disputes settled in a fair and rational manner.
    6. The right to work and learn in a supportive environment without interference from others.
    7. The right to express and share ideas and to ask questions.
    8. The right to be treated with politeness and courteously always.

    Bullying or intimidation of other persons is unacceptable, illegal, and will not be condoned. Any student and/or employee with concerns regarding workplace bullying or intimidation should report to the CEO of MCFE or their nominated representative as a matter of urgency.

    If you feel that any student or any staff member has harassed you, please ask to speak with the Training Manager.
    Any student who is found to be cheating, harassing other students or staff, or breaking the law in any way, may face disciplinary action. This may involve asking the student to leave the course immediately, and in extreme circumstances, may involve a report to the Police.
    Breaching the Student Code of Conduct will result in the following disciplinary proceedings:

    1. An MCFE staff member will contact you to discuss the issue or behaviour to determine how the breach might be rectified.
    2. If the issue or behaviour continues, you will be invited for an interview with the Training Manager to discuss further.
    3. If the issue or behaviour continues, you will be provided with a final warning in writing and a time frame in which to rectify the issue.
    4. If the issue or behaviour continues, you will be notified in writing that your enrolment has been suspended.


    At any stage of this procedure, students can access the Complaints and Appeals Procedure to settle any disputes that may arise.
    In line with MCFE’s Student Code of Conduct, students are expected to respect other students, staff and property so that learning and teaching can take place freely, safely and without impediment due to the misconduct of others.

    All students are expected to maintain high standards of academic honesty and integrity. Academic misconduct is defined as an attempt by a student to cheat, plagiarise or otherwise act dishonestly in undertaking an assessment, or assisting other students to do so.

    If there is a serious breach of this code or a criminal act, this is grounds, for deferral, suspension or cancellation. Fees may not be refunded.

    If your enrolment is to be cancelled due to non-payment of fees, you will be advised of the intention to cancel and given 20 days to access MCFE’s internal complaints appeals process.
    A range of legislation is applicable to MCFE staff and students. Information on relevant legislation can be found as follows:

    Occupational Health & Safety:

    Equal Employment and Educational Opportunity:

    Vocational Education & Training:


    National Regulation of Training:

    Training Courses:

    Please refer to the above websites or contact your Trainer or Student Services if you require further information.


    Child Safe Standards

    At Melbourne College of Further Education (MCFE), we are committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our students, staff, and volunteers.

    For children at immediate risk dial: 000

    Child Safety Commitment

    As part of our commitment we have implemented the Child Safe Standards to help protect children and young people under the age of 18 from child abuse and neglect.

    Promoting safety, participation and well being

    At MCFE we support the safety, participation, wellbeing and empowerment of children and young people, and seek to ensure the safety of any children involved in university-related activities. We achieve this by:

    • adhering to MCFE’s child safe policy and commitment;
    • performing Working with Children checks for all identified roles engaged in child related activities and services;
    • treating everyone with respect;
    • listening and responding to the views and concerns of children;
    • promoting the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of Aboriginal children, children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds and those with a disability
    • ensuring as far as practicable that adults are not left alone with a child;
    • if an allegation of child abuse is made, ensure as quickly as possible that the child(ren) are safe;
    • encouraging children and families to ‘have a say’ and participate in all relevant organisational activities where possible, especially on issues that are important to them.

    It is the shared responsibility of the RTO community to protect children and prevent child abuse and neglect.

    Our commitment to the implementation of the Victorian Child Safe Standards and our cultural values seek to promote an environment in which children and their parents or guardians feel confident in discussing any allegations of child abuse or child safety concerns.

    Zero Tolerance

    At MCFE, we have zero tolerance approach towards child abuse.

    Any allegations of child abuse should be reported immediately to MCFE’s training manager, Caitlin Docherty by emailing [email protected].

    Situations in which child(ren) are at immediate risk should be reported to Police by calling 000.

    Other Useful Resources

    Completions and Certificates

    Once all assessments requirements for each unit have been deemed satisfactory, the unit will be made competent.

    Students successfully completing all assessment requirements for a qualification will be awarded a Certificate for the level of the completed course (for example, Certificate III in Individual Support).  Certificates and/or statement of attainments are issued out within 10 working days of final competency being confirmed. Please note that fees must be paid in full and the survey completed, before any certificates are issued.

    Deferrals and Withdrawals


    If you decide to withdraw from your course or defer your enrolment please notify us via email to [email protected] and speak to the MCFE head office staff for advice on your options. 

    Enrolments can only be deferred for a maximum of 6 months. If you require longer, you will be withdrawn from the course, however you can recommence at a later date if a suitable option is available.

    Depending on the length of your deferral, when you return you may be required to join a new class with a different time, trainer and location to your original class. We will provide you with your options when you return. 

    Fees will apply for deferrals as per the statement of fees. If you have compassionate or compelling circumstances we may be able to waive the deferral fees, you will need to provide evidence. Compassionate and compelling circumstances are limited to the death of your immediate family member, an injury to yourself or someone you care for that prevents you from studying, or delivering a child prior to your planned course completion date. 

    If you do not come to your scheduled classes as agreed and we cannot contact you, you may be withdrawn. We will send you a Statement of Attainment for any units you have successfully completed, if you have paid all outstanding fees.

    If you have finished scheduled classes, we will keep in touch with you regarding your assessments. Similarly, if we are unable to contact you over an extended period, you may be withdrawn. To remain enrolled, you must submit assessments on a regular basis to show evidence of progress towards completing the qualification.

    If you wish to voluntarily withdraw please email [email protected] and list your reason and your full name and qualification you are enrolled in. Please remember if you have enrolled in a government funded course but decided you don’t want to continue; your enrolment will still count towards your funding eligibility.

    If you withdraw and then decide you do want to continue the course, we can recommence your enrolment in the same course assuming the course and funding are still available and are being trained and assessed. You may be asked to complete new enrolment and pre-training review documents depending on the timeframe lapsed.

    If you withdraw or transfer after successfully completing any unit(s) of competency in which you enrolled, you will be entitled to receive at no cost a formal Statement of Attainment for the units you have successfully completed, provided you have paid in full all tuition fees relating to those unit(s) of competency and any material fees required.

    Jobs & Employment

    We cannot guarantee you will gain employment with the successful completion of your course. We can however, guarantee, we will help students that follow our processes to find their own work and practical placements and we will provide you with support to help you in your studies.

    Student Facilities

    At 617 Spencer Street Head Office, students are encouraged to use the facilities available in the training rooms. There are tables and seats for you to eat your lunch, and for you to relax during a break. There are many cafés and restaurants within the area and Melbourne CBD is a short tram ride.
    Our training locations are across Melbourne, CBD and suburbs, and students will not be required to attend classes later than 9pm in the evening. All owned and operated campus locations have video surveillance in place to increase the safety of staff and students. Doors are set to automatically lock to the street by 6pm in the evenings. When a hired venue is in use, specific safety measures will be maintained, specific to the venue and the time of the class, generally if an evening class, trainers and students will leave together.

    The information session will cover location specific safety information.
    MCFE has computers for your use at our head office in Melbourne CBD. These computers have software to help you do your work, and you can access the internet from them as well. If you are having problems logging on, please see Student Support.

    Fees and Charges

    Tuition fees vary depending on the course you are enrolling in, your personal circumstances (i.e.. Concession Card Holders) and your eligibility for government funding. Fees will be discussed with you at your Pre-Training Interview and you will be provided with a statement of itemised fees, including the cost of any course materials.

    There is a link to our statement of fees on the home page of our website. This includes enrolment and material fees, additional charges and reassessment fees as well as the approximate reimbursement MCFE will receive from the state government per nominal hour of training for each funded qualification.

    Fees are subject to change based on market conditions, individual student circumstances and changes to the Skills First Funding Contract.

    You may be required to purchase textbooks or other materials as part of your course. These are documented on the Statement of Fees.
    Fees can be paid upfront or via a “Gocardless” payment plan. Payment plans must be completed within the First 2 weeks of your course.  If a direct debit/payment plan bounces, you must arrange to have the payment reimbursed within 7 days.

    We do not accept more than $1000 prior to commencing your course, and once commenced, no more than $1500 in advance of services delivered.

    Fees are compulsory and if a payment is repeatedly not received as agreed in the payment plan, the student may be withdrawn from the course. We will only issue a statement of attainment for units which have been paid for.

    Material fees are paid online when completing enrolment via Stripe, our online payment system. Payments for materials must be paid for prior to your First class or at your First class. Materials will be distributed on
    this day. If you pay after session 1 you will be required to cover postage and handling of $25.


    Concessions are only available on tuition fees for Government Funded students accessing the Skills First Program. Students holding a current Commonwealth Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card or Veteran’s Affairs Gold Card, or those who are a dependent of the holder of such a card, are required to provide evidence they are a concession card holder at the time of enrolment and no later. You need only pay the minimum tuition fee specified for each course category. Material fees are not subject to a concession.

    If a student is not a holder of a valid card or a dependent, as listed above, MCFE may grant a partial concession on a tuition fee where we consider that its collection in full would impose extreme hardship. “Extreme Hardship” is not defined specifically, but the phrase indicates that the circumstances are exceptional.
    Students that want to apply for a refund should email the request to [email protected] The request will be considered, and eligibility and amount of any refund determined by the head office. Students are advised of
    the decision within 5 business days via email. Refunds for courses are provided on the following basis:

    Full refund of tuition fees & material fees:

    • MCFE cancels the course
    • Student cancelation requests received up to the second session/within the cooling off period for qualifications only – Please note this excludes material fees where materials have been collected

    Partial refund of tuition fees:

    • Formal withdrawals seeking a refund, can receive a refund of tuition fees paid for classes/assessments not yet commenced as per the class schedule, from the date withdrawal and
    • refund has been requested. Tuition fees will be divided by no. of classes on schedule.

    No refund:

    • Materials fees – where you have collected the materials
    • Training that has already been delivered
    • Short courses and skill sets already delivered
    • Short courses and skill sets enrolled longer than 4 weeks

    Students unhappy with this decision can access the complaints and appeals process

    Health and Safety


    A critical incident is defined as “a traumatic event, or the threat of such (within or outside Australia), which causes extreme stress, fear or injury”.

    Critical incidents are not limited to, but could include:

    • missing students
    • severe verbal or psychological aggression
    • death, serious injury or any threat of these
    • natural disaster
    • domestic violence, sexual assault, drug or alcohol abuse.
    • other non-life-threatening events.


    You should report a critical incident you have witnessed or been affected by to the Student Services Coordinator, or any other staff member available at the time.
    MCFE uses several training locations. During your orientation session you will be familiarised with the emergency exits and the evacuation procedure. You have an obligation to comply with a fire warden in the event of an evacuation.
    Remember, during your time at MCFE, it is your responsibility to contribute to a safe working environment.

    If you notice any hazard or potential danger within MCFE it should be reported immediately to your trainer or other MCFE staff.
    In the event of an incident involving injury or a medical emergency, please advise your trainer or other staff immediately or call 000. You will be advised of the location of First-Aid kits during your orientation.
    MCFE has a no smoking policy that prohibits smoking anywhere in the building, including toilets. Smoking within 4 meters of a building doorway is also an offence which carries a fine. There is no smoking in the body corporate area of 617 Spencer Street or adjoining laneway.

    Students should not smoke at the front of the building to be considerate to our neighbours. If you must smoke, please exit the building and move away, extinguish the butt and dispose of it safely in a rubbish bin or butt bin.


    MCFE uses Brokers and Third Parties to help market our courses. MCFE takes all reasonable measures to use third parties that have an appropriate knowledge and understanding of the Australian education industry and does not use third parties who are dishonest or lack integrity.

    Our approved Third Parties/Brokers refer students to our courses, however a MCFE staff member will always undertake the following:

    • Complete pre-training reviews and assess individual capabilities to undertake the course
    • Enrolment and information sessions including reviewing enrolment paperwork and confirming acceptance in the course
    • Undertake training and assessment activities and sign off competency .

    Approved third parties/brokers are listed on our website.

    Please ensure the marketing materials provided to you are from our school directly. If you would like to report poor marketing practices or require further information, please contact us directly: [email protected]
    Photos & Videos of students
    MCFE may take photos and videos of you in class. These photos and videos might be used in advertising material on our website or other social media. Where required photo consent forms will be used.  Please tell your trainer if you do not wish to be included in photos or video taken in class
    Where a student provides a written testimonial via email or Google, we may use this testimonial for future advertising.

    Student Surveys

    You may be provided with surveys throughout your course. One internal survey that is quick and gives us specific information on how we can improve our services. You will also be asked to answer a government survey (AQTF) which will be provided at the end of your course via an email link. In addition, you may be contacted by NCVER or the department of higher Education Skills Group to participate in one of their surveys; these are optional.

    If at any time throughout your studies you wish to provide us with suggestions or feedback please call us, speak to your trainer or email the office. We appreciate all feedback.

    Complaints and Appeals

    MCFE recognises that students will occasionally have a grievance concerning academic (including matters relating to student progress, assessment, curriculum and awards for an approved course) and non-academic matters (including matters relating to enrolment in a course and personal information held by the provider). MCFE is committed to ensuring a clear, fair and equitable process aimed at positive resolutions and the restoration of positive and cooperative relationships. The complaints and appeal process, including referral to an external organisation will be at minimal or no cost to the student, VSL students will not incur any charges. MCFE will maintain the student’s enrolment during the period of the complaint or appeal.

    Any student who wishes to provide feedback, register a complaint, grievance, or lodge an appeal for review or reconsideration of a decision by utilising MCFE’s Complaints and Appeals process for any matter, whether academic or non-academic, shall not be discriminated against or victimised for doing so.

    A Complaint is when a student is dissatisfied with a service or treatment received at MCFE, by our staff, other MCFE students or a third-party providing referral services.

    An Appeal is when a you believe a decision made by MCFE is unfair or incorrect and you want that decision reviewed.

    Student complaints about assessor judgements of competence and/or alleged cheating or plagiarism are included in this policy.

    If a person or company other than MCFE has directed you to consider a course with us and you are unhappy with their advice or information provided, please contact us immediately.

    If you were provided, from any person or company, with any incentive to enrol with MCFE, please let us know immediately. If another company represents themselves as the training organisation or misrepresents themselves as having a direct government endorsement, please inform us immediately.

    Students who are concerned about the conduct of MCFE staff, trainers and assessors, students and/or third parties relating to MCFE and/or management are encouraged to attempt to resolve their concerns using this process.

    All complaints and appeals will be handled professionally, fairly and equitably and confidentially in order to achieve a satisfactory resolution.

    At any stage in the internal complaint or appeal process, students are entitled to have a person of their choosing to accompany and support them. Students may raise any matters of concern relating to training delivery and assessment, the quality of the teaching, student amenities, discrimination, sexual harassment and other issues that may arise.
    A student’s enrolment must be maintained whilst an internal complaint or appeal is in progress and the outcome has not been determined.

    MCFE will encourage the parties to approach a complaint or appeal with an open mind and to attempt to resolve problems through discussion and conciliation. Where a complaint or appeal cannot be resolved through discussion and conciliation, MCFE acknowledges the need for an appropriate external and independent agent to review the process followed by MCFE.

    If there is any matter arising from a student complaint or appeal that proves to be a systemic issue which requires improvement action, the matter will be reported to MCFE management meeting as part of the continuous improvement process.

    Informal Complaint – Email, Call or talk Face-to-face 
    Student or (other person) may make a complaint via phone, email, or verbally to an office staff member or trainer. Ideally the complaint is handled then and there if possible.

    If the complaint cannot be resolved at that time is should be escalated to the Training Manager or Operations Manager.

    Formal Complaint – Email Complaints and Appeals form 
    If the student is still not happy with the result, they must ensure they have lodged a MCFE-Complaints-Appeals-Form-V4-1 (1), via [email protected] and this then turns into a formal internal complaint that can be formally appealed.

    MCFE must respond in writing (via email is possible) to any lodged complaint and appeal form within 5 business days. If the student is not happy with the resolution documented by MCFE, they have 30 days to appeal the decision.

    The Appeal
    The appeal should be in the form of a face-to-face meeting with the Operations Manager and/or CEO and student in which the issues and resolutions will be formally documented. To book an appeal meeting the student can call the office of email [email protected]. The appeal meeting must be heard no later than 5 business days after receiving the request, unless a later date is requested by the student.

    Each party may bring with them a third party or advocate. Alternatively, if any party involved is unable to attend the meeting, the MCFE CEO or their delegate may contact them and allow them to respond in writing in relation to the complaint or appeal. The student will have an opportunity to formally present their case. And MCFE will have the chance to respond with why their decision was made.

    Discussion, decisions and solutions should be documented and signed by both parties. Copies will be kept on the students file. If the student is still not happy with the result they can lodge an external complaint.

    Where MCFE considers more than 60 calendar days are required to process and finalise the complaint or appeal, MCFE, informs the complainant or appellant in writing, including reasons why more than 60 calendar days are required; and regularly updates the complainant or appellant on the progress of the matter.

    External appeal process
    If a student is not satisfied with the processes followed by MCFE in relation to their complaint or appeal, they are advised to request mediation via our external appeals company, Mediation Institute Pty Ltd . They provide a formal, external and independent dispute resolution service. If a student chooses to use this complaints and appeals process, the student’s enrolment will be maintained during the process.

    Appealing to ASQA
    If students are still not satisfied with the result from the external appeals process, they can then report the complaint directly to the ASQA via ASQA connect .  

    Preservation of rights
    Initiating this process does not inhibit student’s rights to pursue other legal remedies. MCFE acknowledges that students are entitled to resolve any dispute by exercising their rights to other legal remedies.

    If the internal or external complaint handling or process results in a decision that supports the student, MCFE will immediately implement any decision and/or corrective and preventative action and advise the student of the outcome.

    Privacy Statements

    Collection of personal information

    The types of personal information we may collect and hold includes (but is not limited to):

    • Information provided to us when a student enrols in a  course, including a student’s name, age, address, occupation, educational background, health and disability details, contact details, their VSN (Victorian Student Number), their USI (Unique Student Identifier);
    • Information provided to us in the course of employment, including name, age, address, occupation, education background, health details and contact details;
    • Information about other people who come into contact with a member of the MCFE team.

    We will generally collect personal information by way of forms filled out by people, face-to-face meetings, interviews, business cards, telephone conversations and from third parties.

    We may also collect personal information from the use of our website. The only information we collect about people when they use our website is what a person chooses to tell us about themselves, for example, information provided in an email communication. However, it is noted that some of this information will not be personal information because it will not necessarily reveal a person’s identity.

    Use and disclosure of personal information
    MCFE may use and disclose personal information for the primary purpose for which it was collected, for reasonably expected secondary purposes, and in other circumstances authorised by the Privacy Act. In general, we use and disclose personal information for the following purposes only:

    • To conduct our business – that is, the provision of vocational education and training;
    • To communicate with a person; and
    • To comply with our legal obligations.

    We may disclose personal information to other members of the MCFE team, to other companies or individuals who assist us in providing services or who perform functions on our behalf (such as for the purposes of a Work Placement), courts, tribunals and regulatory authorities, and anyone else to whom a person authorises us to disclose it.  We will take reasonable steps to ensure that anyone to whom we disclose personal information respects the confidentiality of the information and abides by the NPPs or equivalent privacy laws.

    Access to personal information

    Subject to the exceptions set out in the Privacy Act, a person can gain access to personal information that we hold about that person by application in writing or email.  We will handle all requests for access to personal information in accordance with the NPPs.  If for some reason we refuse to give access to such personal information, we will provide the person concerned with reasons for our refusal in accordance with the Privacy Act.

    Management of personal information

    In accordance with the Privacy Act, we take reasonable steps to protect the security of personal information held by us.  This includes protecting the information from misuse or loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure, for example, by the use of physical security and restricted access to electronic records.  Where we no longer require a person’s personal information for a permitted purpose under the NPPs, we will take reasonable steps to destroy it.

    MCFE endeavours to ensure that the personal information it holds is accurate, complete and up-to-date. Generally, we will amend any personal information about a person held by us which is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date if the person requests us to do so. If we disagree with a person’s view about the accuracy, completeness or currency of a record of personal information held by us, and the person asks us to associate with that record a statement that the person has a contrary view, we will take reasonable steps to do so.

    Sensitive information

    Some personal information we collect is ‘sensitive information’.  Sensitive information includes personal information relating to a person’s health, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion, trade union or other professional or trade association membership, sexual preferences, or criminal record.

    Sensitive information will be used or disclosed only for the primary purpose for which it was collected or a directly related secondary purpose, unless a person agrees otherwise, or where certain other limited circumstances apply (for example, where required by law).


    A cookie is a small file placed in a web browser that collects information about your web browsing behaviour. Use of cookies allows a website to tailor its configuration to your needs and preferences. Cookies do not access information stored on your computer or any personal information (e.g. name, address, email address or telephone number). Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can choose to reject cookies by changing your browser settings. However, this may prevent you from taking full advantage of our website.

    Our website uses cookies to analyse website traffic and help us provide a better website visitor experience. In addition, cookies may be used to serve relevant ads to website visitors through third party services such as Google Adwords. These ads may appear on this website or other websites you visit.

    Privacy Statement – Student Declaration

    The following is documented as a declaration you will make during enrolment.

    Your privacy is important to MCFE. All personal information about you is treated in the manner required under the National Privacy Principles as set out in the Privacy Act 1988, Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 and the Australian information Commissioners Act 2010 or other relevant acts. I understand that MCFE is required to provide the Victorian Government, through the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, with student and training activity data which may include information I provide in this enrolment form. Information is required to be provided in accordance with the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines (which are available at: )

    The Department may use the information provided to it for planning, administration, policy development, program evaluation, resource allocation, reporting and/or research activities. For these and other lawful purposes, the Department may also disclose information to its consultants, advisers, other government agencies, professional bodies and/or other organisations. This information may include personal and contact details, course enrolment details and changes. Personal information includes but is not limited to information concerning your work, studies, ethnicity, gender, living arrangements and languages spoken. You may request access at any time to information that we hold about you, and you have the right to ask us to correct information if you believe that information about you is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date. We will only disclose your personal information to others if you provide MCFE with a written request or where the law permits or requires SIU to do so. For more information in relation to how student information may be used or disclosed please contact MCFE on phone (1300 368883) or email – [email protected]

    NCVER Privacy Statement 

    Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012, MCFE is required to collect personal information about you and to disclose that personal information to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER).

    Your personal information (including the personal information contained on your enrolment form) may be used or disclosed by MCFE for statistical, regulatory and research purposes. MCFE may disclose your personal information for these purposes to:

    • Commonwealth and State or Territory government departments and authorised agencies,
    • NCVER;

    Personal information that has been disclosed to NCVER may be used or disclosed by NCVER for the following purposes:

    •   Populating authenticated VET transcripts;
    •   Facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage;
    •   Pre-populating RTO student enrolment forms;
    •   Understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information; and
    •   Administering VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation.

    You may receive a student survey which may be administered by a government department or NCVER employee, agent or third-party contract or other authorised agencies. Please note you may opt out of the survey at the time of being contacted.

    NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the National VET Data Policy and all NCVER policies and protocols (including those published on NCVER’s website at

    Victorian Government VET Student Enrolment Privacy Notice

    The Victorian Government, through the Department of Education and Training (the Department), develops, monitors and funds vocational education and training (VET) in Victoria. The Victorian Government is committed to ensuring that Victorians have access to appropriate and relevant VET services. Any personal information collected by the Department for VET purposes is protected in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic).

    Collection of your data: SIU is required to provide the Department with student and training activity data. This includes personal information collected in the SIU enrolment form and unique identifiers such as the Victorian Student Number (VSN) and the Commonwealth’s Unique Student Identifier (USI). SIU provides data to the Department in accordance with the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines, available at:

    Use of your data: The Department uses student and training data, including personal information, for a range of VET purposes including administration, monitoring and planning. A student’s USI may be used for specific VET purposes including the verification of student data provided by SIU; the administration and audit of VET providers and programs; education-related policy and research purposes; and to assist in determining eligibility for training subsidies.

    Disclosure of your data: As necessary and where lawful, the Department may disclose VET data, including personal information, to its contractors, other government agencies, professional bodies and/or other organisations for VET-related purposes. In particular, this includes disclosure of VET student and training data to the Commonwealth and the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER).

    Legal and Regulatory: The Department’s collection and handling of enrolment data and VSNs is authorised under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic). The Department is also authorised to collect and handle USIs in accordance with the Student Identifiers Act 2014 (Cth) and the Student Identifiers Regulation 2014 (Cth).

    Survey Participation: You may be contacted to participate in a survey conducted by NCVER or a Department-endorsed project, audit or review relating to your training. This provides valuable feedback on the delivery of VET programs in Victoria.

    Please note you may opt out of the NCVER survey at the time of being contacted.

    Consequences of not providing your information: Failure to provide your personal information may mean that it is not possible for you to enrol in VET and/or to obtain a Victorian Government VET subsidy.

    Access, correction and complaints: You have the right to seek access to or correction of your own personal information. You may also complain if you believe your privacy has been breached. For further information, please contact SIU’s Privacy Officer in the First instance by phone 1300 555 748 or email

    Further information: For further information about the way the Department collects and handles personal information, including access, correction and complaints, go to:

    For further information about Unique Student Identifiers, including access, correction and complaints, go to:

    Student Declaration 

    The following is documented as a declaration you will make during enrolment.

    I understand that information provided by me on this form may be sent to State and Commonwealth government agencies, and I consent to that use.

    I understand that MCFE is required to provide the Victorian Government, through the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, with student and training activity data which may include information I provide in this enrolment form. Information is required to be provided in accordance with the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines (which are available at The Department may use the information provided to it for planning, administration, policy development, program evaluation, resource allocation, reporting and/or research activities. For these and other lawful purposes, the Department may also disclose information to its consultants, advisers, other government agencies, professional bodies and/or other organisations. This information may include personal and contact details, course enrolment details and changes. Personal information includes but is not limited to information concerning your work, studies, ethnicity, gender, living arrangements and languages spoken.

    You may request access at any time to information that we hold about you, and you have the right to ask us to correct information if you believe that information about you is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date. We will only disclose your personal information to others if you provide MCFE with a written request or where the law permits or requires MCFE to do so.

    For more information in relation to how student information may be used or disclosed please contact MCFE on phone 1300368883 or email [email protected].


    Phone: 1300 368 883

    [email protected]

    Head Office: U39, 617 – 643 Spencer Street, West Melbourne, 3003