{MCFE}{643 Spencer St}{West Melbourne}{3003}{Vic}{Australia}{(130) 036-8883}
643 Spencer St, 3003 West Melbourne, Vic
Phone: (130) 036-8883

Student Information


Skills First Funding

You may be eligible for a government-subsidised place through the Skills First Funding Program. If you are eligible, the government will contribute to the cost of your training. To check your individual eligibility or if you want further course information call/email the office. There are limitations to using Victorian government funding, you need to make sure you are using your funding for the right course, as it may affect your access to future government funding.

Skills First Funding Eligibility Criteria – Qualifications and Skill Sets

  1. Evidence of citizenship/residency, you must be either:
    1. an Australian citizen;
    2. a holder of a permanent visa; or
    3. a New Zealand citizen
  2. You can enrol in a maximum of 2 funded qualifications and 2 funded skills sets  in one year
  3. You can undertake up to 2 funded programs at one time
  4. At MCFE we require you to be 17 and over and not enrolled in high school to access funding

Cooling Off Period 
We report your government-funded place after attending your second session for qualifications and 24 hours for skill sets.

Evidence of Citizenship/Residency 
To ensure you are eligible for skills first funding we will sight and retain one of the following:

  • Current green Medicare card
  • Current Australian Passport
  • Australian Birth Certificate (not Birth Extract)
  • Current New Zealand Passport
  • Australian Citizenship Certificate
  • Australian Certificate of Registration by Descent
  • New Zealand Birth Certificate
  • New Zealand Citizenship Certificate
  • A proxy declaration for individuals in exceptional circumstances as per Clauses 2.13 – 2.17 of the Guidelines About Eligibility (the Eligibility Guidelines)
  • Formal confirmation of permanent residence granted by the Department of Home Affairs (or its successor) AND the student’s foreign passport or ImmiCard.
  • a Referral to Government Subsidised Training – Asylum Seekers’ form from the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre or the Australian Red Cross
  • Confirmation obtained from the Visa Entitlement Verification Online System (VEVO) that the student holds a valid Bridging visa class E, Safe Haven Enterprise visa,
  • Temporary Protection visa, Bridging visa class F, Humanitarian Stay (Temporary) (subclass 449) visa, or Temporary (Humanitarian Concern) (subclass 786) visa.
Further Information
  • Funding rules may differ slightly for courses on the foundation’s skills list and apprenticeships.
  • You must be physically present in Victoria whilst participating in training and assessment.
Fee Concessions

If you are entitled to a concession we cannot charge more than 20% of our standard government-funded tuition fee. Skill Sets and programs at the Certificate IV level and below are entitled to a concession.

To be eligible for a concession you will hold a:

  • Health Care Card issued by the Commonwealth;
  • Pensioner Concession Card; or
  • Veteran’s Gold Card.

A dependant spouse or dependant child of a card holder is also entitled to the Fee Concession.

Evidence of Concession 

To ensure you are eligible for skills first funded concession you will need to provide one of the following:

  • the original card, or correspondence from the card issuer confirming a concession is granted to the individual and they may commence claiming their entitlement.
  • the concession card displayed on a Digital Wallet through a Centrelink Express Plus mobile application on the cardholder’s mobile device. The digital card may not be sighted via a screen shot of the card that is e-mailed or otherwise reproduced.
  • the equivalent record of a concession card as extracted from Centrelink Confirmation eServices by the Training Provider.

Further concessions may be granted under the:

  • Indigenous Completions Initiative
  • Asylum Seeker VET Program
Payment Plans

If you are not covered by government funding we offer payment plans.

You will receive an itemised invoice with your total course cost. After receiving the invoice, our finance team will send you a link to complete a “Gocardless” direct debit request.

Direct debits are charged once per week (charged each Wednesday) over the duration of your course. Certificates will not be able to be released until full payment is made.

Industry Partners

Referrals & Brokers
MCFE, as a division of iAscend, engages marketing brokers to work with relevant enterprises and service agencies and to refer to us potential students for whom training in specific courses may be suitable and appropriate to their vocational needs.  A fee is paid to these brokers for these services.

Marketing brokers currently engaged are:

  • Access Learning Australia (L Walter Co Pty Ltd ABN 29622771215)

  • Victoria Recruitment Agency

  • Ethical Training Solutions

  • SBN Training Solutions

  • Connect Education and Training (Ace Education and Training

  • Imperial Education (A.C.N 642773126 Pty Ltd)

  • Baxter Corp (DRLJ ENTERPRISES trustee for the DJFT)

As a member of the Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia (ITECA), MCFE follows the ITECA Code of Ethics to ensure that agents engaged by MCFE conform to the highest professional and ethical standards.

The brokers are reported to ASQA and Skills Victoria prior to commencing their contract. If you would like to become a partner with MCFE, please email  [email protected].

Quality reports

iAscend Polytechnic  Pty Ltd, trading as Melbourne College of Further Education (MCFE) is registered with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).

To check our registration details as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) click here This website will provide a summary of our RTO, scope of registration (what courses we can deliver), key contacts, restrictions and what States we can deliver in.

MCFE believe in delivering quality training and assessment. We ensure we comply with the Victorian Governments Quality Charter as well as our own service standards.

MCFE Service Standards
  • Be transparent
  • Be honest
  • Be better – strive to continuously improve
  • Be yourself and let others be themselves – equality for all
  • Be informed
Quality Indicators – Student and Employer Surveys

To view the latest quality indicator report click here. The students (if applicable) and employers surveyed for these indicators were selected by this organisation in accordance with national guidelines.

Audit Reports

The last audit conducted by the regulatory body was in August 2015, this was a compliance monitoring audit.

Ready to find out more?
MCFE Courses & Programs

Melbourne College of Further Education (MCFE), provides in-demand vocational courses to get you qualified while you work, gain a new qualification or start a whole new career.

We are with you every step of the way, providing individual class room support and practical hands on training,
to help you achieve the qualification you need.