{MCFE}{643 Spencer St}{West Melbourne}{3003}{Vic}{Australia}{(130) 036-8883}
643 Spencer St, 3003 West Melbourne, Vic
Phone: (130) 036-8883

VCE and VET in Schools | MCFE

VCE and VET in Schools

Welcome to Melbourne College of Further Education and our VCE course offerings. If you are interested in a course that we do not have listed below, please enquire as there may be a possibility to customise a delivery strategy direct for your schools.

RTO Registration number: 21340

Courses for Secondary School Students

Partial Completion: CHC33021 Certificate III Early Childhood Education & Care

This course is designed for an entry-level into the Early Childhood Education and Care industry. This is a partial completion of the full qualification, however, we have pathways for you to continue on and complete your full certificate after secondary school.

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