{MCFE}{643 Spencer St}{West Melbourne}{3003}{Vic}{Australia}{(130) 036-8883}
643 Spencer St, 3003 West Melbourne, Vic
Phone: (130) 036-8883

Do you have what it takes to work in Aged Care?

    Aged Care - is it right for me?

    Taking care of people is something that requires a variety of attributes.

    Looking after the elderly takes a specific set of skills and presents several challenges that can only be met by a certain type of person. Having said that, it can also be one of the most rewarding careers you can embark upon…

    Here we look at some of the key attributes you need to provide effective care to the elderly;


    A responsible person knows what is required of them to care for another person and will always attend to the most important things like administering regular medication and that appointments are attended to on time. This will inspire trust in the elderly person, and they will feel comfortable in your care.

    Caring Nature

    Looking after the elderly requires a caring and nurturing approach. This ensures the elderly person is happy and secure and feels special. Words are not always enough; kind actions go a long way and make a huge impact on the elderly person. This will let them know that they aren’t a burden and they feel valued.


    You may be required to attend to your patient at times when it is not convenient for you. Being flexible allows the elderly person to know that you can be relied upon and will be there for them when they need you most. You must also be flexible in your approach to care. Different people respond, and must be cared for, in different ways. Knowing and realising this helps you provide the optimal treatment/approach for each of your patients.


    Ideas, thoughts, and feelings of an elderly person are just as valid as your own, and this must be acknowledged. It’s imperative that respect is given to their wants, needs and privacy. You must also be aware that their opinions may vary greatly from your own on certain topics, especially as they are from a different generation.


    This may be the most important attribute when providing care for elderly people. They NEED your patience so that they don’t feel hopeless and so they can gain and keep their independence. Showing patience over time will help create a bond between you and your patient.


    Growing older and losing independence can be very hard to swallow.  Supporting them through this time and helping them retain some independence can make an elderly person feel happier and at peace with their situation. Many elderly people have no family, and you could be the only person to provide this support.

    If this sounds like you, you could be missing your calling in life! We currently have a Certificate III in Individual Support – contact us today for more information!

    Phone: 1300 368 883

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