Welcome to Melbourne College of Further Education and our VCE course offerings. If you are interested in a course that we do not have listed below, please enquire as there may be a possibility to customise a delivery strategy direct for your schools.
RTO Registration number: 21340
This course is designed for an entry-level into the Early Childhood Education and Care industry. This is a partial completion of the full qualification, however, we have pathways for you to continue on and complete your full certificate after high school.
This course covers 5 of 11 units within Certificate III Work Health and Safety. It provides you with key certificates that will help your employability in a number of future industries. The course will be focussed on entry into the trade environment and will include learning to work with basic hand tools.
This course covers 3 of 11 units within Certificate III Work Health and Safety. The course content is contextualised to a trade environment and will continue on from Year One to include an introduction to hand power tools.