{MCFE}{643 Spencer St}{West Melbourne}{3003}{Vic}{Australia}{(130) 036-8883}
643 Spencer St, 3003 West Melbourne, Vic
Phone: (130) 036-8883

Traineeships | MCFE


Melbourne College of Further Education (MCFE) has a number of traineeship course offerings. We currently offer government-funded traineeships in Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care and Diploma III Early Childhood Education and Care. Apprenticeships and traineeships help you earn while you learn. This means you’ll get paid to complete on-the-job training and formal study. It’s a great way to gain a nationally recognised qualification and develop your skills in a real-world environment. For businesses, it’s a valuable way to invest in your future. You can upskill your workforce, reduce skill shortages and contribute to the success of your business.

There are a range of state and federal incentives and funding available for the trainee and the employer to help cover the costs of training and other associated costs of the traineeship. MCFE and the Apprentice Connect Australia Provider can help you navigate how to enroll in a traineeship, check your eligibility, and provide information on potential incentives and associated funding.



Types of Funding & Incentives

There are a range of different funding streams and incentives available, each are managed by different stakeholders and government divisions. The information provided below is a guide only, you should check your eligibility with the relevant stakeholder at the time of enrolment as eligibility and funding criteria can change.

Skills First Funding – Managed by MCFE

MCFE hold a current Skills First funding contract and can access funding for eligible individuals to help cover the cost of your tuition fees for the course.

Incentive for the Employer – Managed by Apprentice Connect Australia Provider

If your trainee is enrolled in a priority qualification/industry such as Early Childhood Education and Care, you could be eligible for a priority hiring incentive and priority wage subsidy.

Refer to the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System Guidelines for more information.

Incentives for the Trainee – Managed by Apprentice Connect Australia Provider

If you are enrolled as a trainee in a priority qualification/industry such as Early Childhood Education and Care, you could be eligible for payments up to $5000 paid over 24 months. Payments depend on the type of employment (part-time or full-time) and the duration of your traineeships.

Refer to the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System Guidelines for more information.

 CHC33021 Certificate III Early Childhood Education & Care

This course is designed for an entry-level into the Early Childhood Education and Care industry.