{MCFE}{643 Spencer St}{West Melbourne}{3003}{Vic}{Australia}{(130) 036-8883}
643 Spencer St, 3003 West Melbourne, Vic
Phone: (130) 036-8883

Certificate IV in Work Health And Safety – WHS Courses Melbourne | MCFE


Certificate IV Work Health & Safety

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BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety


With our BSB41419 – Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety course, you will learn how to protect yourself and your team from permanent injuries. This course will provide you with tools and processes to prevent accidents, but also how to handle them if they do occur. The certificate 4 in work health and safety is suitable for those seeking a specific health and safety-related position within the workplace or wanting to move into a supervisory position which involves WHS instruction and monitoring. With our blended training model, our Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety is one of the most flexible yet attainable WHS courses in Melbourne.

Course BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health & Safety
Delivery Options Classroom based, or

Online Classes + Classroom practicals
Start DateOnline Information Sessions
Duration6 Months Average

Payment plans available and discounts for up-front payments.

CategoryAvailabilityTuition Fee
Skills First FundedYes$0
Fee for ServiceYes$3000
Material Fee – Digital ResourcesYes$100

Statement of Fees and Charges
To determine all applicable fees for your course please download the current statement of fees from our “Fees & Funding” page. Generally, most courses will incur a $100 enrolment fee to secure your booking, plus the applicable course tuition fees. Some courses will also include material fees, however these are generally only charged for students requesting paper assessments. The statement of fees and charges will explain payment plan options, the refund policy, and other fees and charges you could incur, such as fees for course extensions, class swaps, academic misconduct and reassessment.

Tuition fees
The course tuition fees are GST free and fee category/amount charged depends upon whether you are eligible for a Government subsidy, with funds made available by the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments. Only one category of fees above will apply to your enrolment. Payment plans may be available for your tuition fees.

Skills First Funding
You may be eligible for a government-subsidised place through the Skills First Funding Program. If the course has access to funding and you are eligible, the government will contribute to the cost of your training. There are limitations to using Victorian government funding, you need to make sure you are using your funding for the right course, as it may affect your access to future government funding. Check your eligibility now. Government funded places are limited each calendar year, when our allocated places are used you will still be able to enrol as a fee for service student, not all courses will have access to Skills First Funding.

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There are many diverse roles waiting for you after completing Certificate IV in Work Health Safety.

Who will benefit from this course:

Anyone looking to become a health and safety representative (5 day Worksafe course also required)

  • Anyone looking to become a health and safety representative (5 day Worksafe course also required)

  • Anyone who would like to become a WHS specialist

  • Managers and supervisors working in a variety of industries

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To be successful in this course the following must be met:


Application Participate in an Information Session & Pre-Training Review
Enrolment Form
Digital LiteracyAccess to a computer or smart device and the internet to complete your studies
Language Literacy and NumeracyAQF Level 3
Not Applicable
AvailabilityOne day a week for 4 hours
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5 months average duration
13 x 4 hour face-to-face sessions
Written and oral questions
Observations of skills
Recommended 15 hours of self-paced learning per week

Unit CodeUnit TitleCore or Elective
BSBWHS412Assist with workplace compliance with WHS lawsCore
BSBWHS413Contribute to implementation and maintenance of WHS consultation and participation processesCore
BSBWHS414Contribute to WHS risk managementCore
BSBWHS415Contribute to implementing WHS management systemsCore
BSBWHS416Contribute to workplace incident responseCore
BSBINS401Analyse and present research informationElective
BSBWHS417Assist with claims management, rehabilitation and return-to-work programsElective
BSBWHS418Assist with managing WHS compliance of contractorsElective
BSBLDR411Demonstrate leadership in the workplaceElective
BSBLDR414Lead team effectivenessElective

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Fees and funding

This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding. The course fees/costs depend upon eligibility for a Government subsidy, via the Skills First Funding Program.  Using a funded place can affect your access to future funding. If you are not eligible for funding the course fees will be the “Fee for Service” rate.

Student Handbook

Please read the MCFE student handbook, which includes:

  • Application Pre-training review and enrolment process; including USI information

  • Fees and charges/statement of fees; including refunds, concession, eligibility for Skills First Funding, and how this can affect future enrolments in funded courses

  • Privacy statements

  • Student support

  • Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer options

  • Online service standards

  • Assessment methods and instructions

  • Job and employment

  • Code of conduct

  • Complaints and appeals

  • Completions & certificates

  • Deferrals and withdrawals

  • Third parties that may be relevant to my enrolment

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