Category | Tuition Fee | Payment Plan |
Skills First Funded | $400 | $40 per week - 10 weeks |
Skills First Funded Concession | $80 | NA |
Fee for Service (FFS) | $4,000 | $100 per week - 40 weeks |
Discount for Fee for Service | 25% OFF for upfront payment | Pay $1000 Upfront, plus
$50 per week - 40 weeks |
Traineeship - Government Funded | $1500 | $500 x 3 quarterly payments |
Traineeship Concession - Government Funded | $300 | NA |
Tuition fees are GST free.
The course fees and costs depend upon whether you are eligible for a Government subsidy, with funds made available by the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments. To check your eligibility, please visit our fees and funding page here. Traineeship fees will differ, refer to the statement of fees.
Material Fees
Material fees are not charged if you select digital materials. Paper resources can only be selected if you are joining a classroom based delivery of your course. If you are enrolling in a blended/online course you will automatically receive digital resources. Material fees are inclusive of GST and are only applicable for paper resources.
Skills First Government-subsidised place
You may be eligible for a government-subsidised place through the Skills First Funding Program. If you are eligible, the government will contribute to the cost of your training. You will only have a small gap tuition fee to pay and material fees if applicable to your course. There are limitations to using Victorian government funding, you need to make sure you are using your funding for the right course, as it may affect your access to future government funding. Check your eligibility now.